With Neurofeedback

Everyone has a bad day sometimes. You know when things “don`t go your way.”  A poor behavior report from your child`s school you just learned starts the day off. Then, a frustrating commute to work is punctuated by a fender bender, making you late. During the day, the annoyances build up with another meeting you hoped to avoid. Your cell phone buzzes all day with news and updates from the home front while your work email and office phone continue to interrupt an already busy schedule. After fighting traffic home and hungry for dinner, you are involved in a heated argument over an otherwise minor issue. Has this ever happened to you? Unfortunately, this scene is more common than ever due to the stress of modern living.

Why do we get angry?

Thanks to modern technology, we now know which parts of the brain control your mood, angry or otherwise. The prefrontal cortex within the frontal lobe of our brain is the part of the brain responsible for reasoning and judgment. It plays counterpoint to strong emotions by helping us remain calm in the face of stress and adversity. If you have anger issues, some imbalance in this area of the brain may develop due to exposure to chronic stress.

Take back control and improve your mood with neurofeedback training.

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback designed to re-balance your brainwaves, allowing you to regain control of your emotions and break that vicious, angry cycle. Brain training takes time like physical exercise – a typical session is 30 minutes each. But, unlike physical exercise, it`s easy to do. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and watch a movie! During the training session, you`ll receive feedback in the form of audio and visual cues that are based on real-time measurements of your brainwave activity. Over time, your brain learns to function more efficiently, allowing you to regain control of your emotions.  Balancing your brainwaves gives your brain a built-in safety valve and a way to calm itself before things get out of hand. Neurofeedback is known for its ability to build emotional resilience in the face of stressors so you can control how you feel permanently. Best of all, the effects of neurofeedback are self-reinforcing, which means your brain continues to function efficiently long after training sessions have ended.

Where can I learn more?

If anger and irritability have you at your wit’s end, neurofeedback may be the answer you’re looking for. It can help you tame your anger and take back your life. Call Dr. Ed Carlton at (703) 335-9149 at the Carlton NeuroFeedback Center in Manassas, Virginia, for a free, in-person evaluation to learn if neurofeedback might be right for you or someone you love. Download our free eBook for more stories about the difference neurofeedback has made for everyday people just like you.