A Natural Solution For Migraine Headaches
An End To Migraine Headaches – for Good!
Are you tired of dealing with migraines? If you`re one of the 37 million Americans suffering from migraine headaches, neurofeedback training offers an entirely new approach to ending them. No drugs, just lifelong relief from the symptoms associated with migraines and chronic headaches.
How Does Neurofeedback Work?
Researchers believe that migraines can frequently be the result of excessive brainwave activity, which then cascades into a migraine headache. Medications are designed to lessen the symptoms but typically do not provide long-term relief. By improving your brain`s function, neurofeedback can alleviate your headaches symptoms naturally.
First We Measure Your Brainwave Activity
To determine if your migraines are related to brainwave imbalances, we perform a Quantitative Electro-Encephalogram, also known as a “brain map.” This data allows Dr. Carlton to design a brain training protocol to balance your brain function, eliminating the painful symptoms associated with migraines.
Neurofeedback Training Is Easy and Painless
Using your brain map results, you will be provided with a custom-designed neurofeedback training protocol that will help your brain become more balanced. Each training session is thirty minutes in length. During the session, you will be relaxed, enjoying a video or movie of your own choosing.
While you enjoy your video, we will be measuring your actual brain function with small sensors placed on your scalp. Whenever your brain activity goes outside the optimal range, the video output dims, and the sound decreases, catching your attention. In response to this audio and visual feedback, your brain responds by returning to the optimal range again. Over time, this teaches your brain to develop new neural connections that can lead to much fewer migraines, and in many cases, eliminating the symptoms completely.
Since this training is completely natural, there are no side effects!
The Improvements Are Long-Term
Known as “operant conditioning” the feedback uses your brain`s natural ability to learn to help it function in a more balanced way. As an example – if you ever learned to ride a bike, or play an instrument, you`re familiar with how the brain uses repetition and feedback to learn to do new things. And, just like that bicycle, once your brain learns the new, healthier way of staying balanced, the improvements can remain for a lifetime.
Ready To Feel Better?
Give us a call at (703) 335-9149 or schedule your Free Initial Evaluation with Dr Carlton. It includes a preliminary brain map, and a full, one-on-one consultation.
This is where you have can all your questions answered and see if neurofeedback makes sense for eliminating your migraine symptoms – permanently.